Songs on Sunday Executive Producer
Songs on Sunday was conceived by a good friend, Jordan Woods-Robinson, who decided to write and record a new song every week. Today, it has grown to be an active community filled with music collaborators from around the world.
I began as purely a writer and musical contributor before I transitioned into an Executive Producer (EP).
As an EP, I manage the relationship of writers and mixers to producer tracks released each week. I am also responsible for marketing track releases on our blog, Bandcamp and Facebook page.
This is an on-going project for several years now. Everything is done via the internet using the workflow we have established.
This week our track is brought to you by none other than ‘yours truly’. I was lucky enough to get some incredible collaborators to contribute to this lilting country tune and with the help of mixer Adam Petty I am incredibly pleased with the result. I think you will be too. Please take a listen and share with your friends.
I had the idea for a song in this kind of style for a while. I came up with some chords a few weeks before the deadline for Songs on Sunday but despite the fact that I knew the tone and subject of what I wanted lyrically I couldn’t come up with anything. I eventually ended up writing the lyrics in about 20 mins as I was recording the demo the day that the song had to be submitted.
I am so please with how the track turned out. I am very grateful to Chris Reiss for laying down a pedal steel part. I have never had that on any of my tracks before and it helped to give the song exactly the sound I was going for. I think I was most pleased with the contribution from Laura Bowman. I had an idea of the kind of backing vocals I wanted and she took that inspiration and made it completely made it her own. In my opinion she really elevated the track. As always, the SOS team really came through; Colin Robinson’s drums really underpin the whole thing and give it the laid back swagger that I wanted and Adam Petty brought the whole thing together to bring out the best in each of our sounds.
- Vocals: Dan Carter
- Backing Vocals: Laura Bowman
- Guitar: Dan Carter
- Pedal Steel: Chris Reiss
- Bass: Colin Robinson
- Drums: Colin Robinson
- Mixed By: Adam Petty