My Role: Producer, photographer, voice-over
Produce a high quality 90 second video introduction for H&Askham Ltd showcasing the range of skills and specialist expertise they possess.
We spent time on site and in their head office of the business gathering information about how they operate and the kind of capabilities they have. Through close consultation with the client we highlighted the main areas which they wanted to promote. We identified two projects which we could visit and shoot in order to exemplify the unique processes they were capable of and, using the language on their website as starting point, developed a script.
The footage was to be shot on 2 separate work sites one on shore and one off shore. Each of these sites had their own unique challenges as we were dealing with extremely high voltage electricity.
In order to be allowed off shore we, ourselves, had to undergo rigorous safety training and medical screenings. Despite the fact we would only be off shore in the wind farm for 4-6 hours, it was an extremely dangerous environment and we had to be prepared.
This project took a lot longer than we had planned. Due to the fact that we had to receive specialist safety training and qualifications in order to be allowed onto the dangerous work sites it meant we were at the mercy of scheduling.
Once we had received the training the next biggest challenge was the weather. In order to go off shore we needed the seas to be calm. This resulted in the cancellation of several dates but eventually we were lucky to have the perfect weather and got some incredible footage.
We also had to be flexible enough to fit in with the client’s project schedule. As we were to be filming specific processes we were at the mercy of the challenges to the project itself.